Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Would I lie (Lie-brary) to you?

Thanks to the WILTY team (Eleanor Johnston, Becky McClen, Christine Stevenson, Sharon Potter & James Fawcett) for sending me photos of all their prototype materials!

Aim: To identify correctly as many academic words or phrases as possible.

Split into (up to 6) teams.

Would have a bank of terms / phrases as questions – with 3 “definitions” to read out. One correct, one plausible but incorrect, and one completely and obviously incorrect.


  • Each team takes a set of numbered cards
  • The teams take turns in reading out 3 possible definitions
  • Once a team has read out the 3 definitions of a term, the other teams have to select the “true” one.
  • 1 point awarded to each team that selects the correct definition.
  • The next team then reads out their definitions.
  • Continue until all terms have been read out and no cards remain.
  • The team with the most points wins.
Variation – let the teams know how they have done. “You have 0-2 points, book an appointment with your academic skills tutor”, etc. But preferably in a positive way.

Potential list of terms:
Peer review
Shelf mark
Being “critical” at University
Literature review
Quantitative research
Qualitative research
Secondary sources
Primary sources
Google scholar
Op Cit

Sample questions:

Peer review is…
                Evaluation of scientific, academic or professional work by a community of experts working in the same field
                Evaluation of scientific, academic or professional work by a class of students all of whom are working on the same module.
                Looking at the same chapter until your eyes water. (I might suggest: Evaluation of scientific, academic or professional work while at a British seaside resort.)
An academic journal is…
                Somewhere you keep your important university dates, available on the VLE.
                A collection of short articles to entertain the reader or promote a particular viewpoint.
                A collection of research articles written by experts, normally published several times a year.

Being critical at university is…
                Finding fault in what you have read.
                Questioning what you read and not necessarily agreeing with it just because you have read it.
                Dissing your friends haircut on the University Facebook page.

A Reference List is…
                A list of people you put on your job application form.
                All the sources listed on your module reading guide.
                All the sources you have included in the text of your assignment.

Plagiarism is…
                Presenting someone else’s work, in whole or part, as your own.
                Presenting some else’s work, either directly quoting or paraphrasing, with a reference.
                The scientific study of beaches in France.

Wikipedia is…
                A free internet based encyclopaedia that is created and maintained by anyone who wishes to do so.
                A free internet based encyclopaedia that is created and maintained primarily by experts in relevant subject areas.
                The most authoritative and up to date source of information on the internet. (May change this to … “The best place to get information for your assignments” – or is this too close to the bone?)


  1. I really liked this idea. I haven't tried it out with a class but I'm delivering a session to a group of PGCE students on introducing elements of creativity into their teaching. I'll post any feedback I get on this here.

  2. Excellent! Good luck with it :-D


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