Friday 17 May 2019

Playful Practice in H.E.: The zine

I've just won a small grant from the OneHE Foundation to create a series of zines about playful practice in Higher Education.

Details are below, but more importantly, would anyone like to sign up to get (free) copies in the post?

If so, pop your contact details in here:  (Link deleted as I've now sent out the first 2, so too late for new signups!)
(Details will only be used for this project, will not be shared with anyone, and will be deleted after the project is over)

There will be a series of 10 zines (mainly 8 or 16 pages long) sent out roughly monthly, starting in June. Some will be text heavy, some might be more heavily weighted towards images depending on the subject. They will also be available as PDFs online, but the physical ones will have extra "bonus" playful materials included at least 50% of the time :)

Numbers will be limited depending on postage costs, so exact numbers of people able to receive the physical zine depends on the mix of domestic & international postage... but should be at least 50 people before the money runs out :)

This is what I said on the grant application! 
This grant would be used to create a series of zines on playful practice within HE.
Each short zine would be on a specific aspect of playful practice, for example:
                 What is play / playfulness
                 Playful learning
                 Playful practice
                 Playful management
                 Playful assessment
                 Playful teamworking
                 Playful writing
                 …and other aspects of playful teaching and learning
Ten zines would be created, printed, and posted to subscribers over a period of a year. Up to 50 zines (for each issue) would be sent physically, depending on the mix of UK and international subscribers.
The zines would include a mixture of theory, practical applications, and challenges for the readers’ practices. The tactile and playful nature of the materials would aim to initiate changes in the practice of those receiving the physical zines, and we would collect data during the project to investigate if this engagement was greater than those reading the zine online.
At the end of the year long series of zines, they will be collated into a single piece, along with critically reflective writings from the project lead. We will also invite readers of the zine to contribute their reflections on any change in their teaching and learning practice.

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