Friday, 27 January 2023

Online Lego Workshop

Before Christmas I was talking to someone at a Playful Learning event and they were saying how it'd be lovely to have something available to just get a flavour of Lego Serious Play (LSP), some practical examples, a chance to have a go, pointers as to where you might get the Lego from, etc - rather than a full blown LSP course. 

So I've finally got around to setting up a little half day online workshop - maximum 10 people, I'll send a pack of Lego out to people in advance, and we'll run through all those sort of things...

So if you're Lego curious and want to start experimenting with using plastic blocks (but are worried about doing it for the first time). You want to learn the basics in a supportive setting? Sign up to this intro course! We'll post your Lego out in discreet packaging :)

Either follow the link, or (fingers crossed), the form should appear below: