Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Library Instruction Network?

About 10 years ago Johanna Anderson blogged about setting up a "Librarians as Teachers" network. I've a vague memory of it lasting a few years (with Helen Blanchett and Jo driving a lot of it?) and having a lot of TeachMeet-y type things on it, but it sort of slowly faded, probably being nudged out of existence at the same time as a few other networks I was part of also faded, thanks to the platforms charging increasing amounts (particularly as membership, even inactive membership, figures grew). My memory is a tad vague though on it...

 [You can see it on the Wayback Machine... sort of! Snapshot from 2012]

I've just (finally) refused to renew my CILIP membership for next year, so wondered if it was time to start something similar, but updated? Using what I'd have paid CILIP to help fund it. Plus after a thoroughly depressing 2020, I need something positive for 2021! 

I've been playing with possible platforms for other projects, and "Mighty Networks" seems a decent platform for doing this sort of thing on. It has a free level which seems a bit rubbish, a fairly standard charged level of membership that has most of the functionality I'd look for in this sort of platform. Plus a "premium" level that also includes stuff like the ability to run courses through it. The middle level that seems ok is a little bit more than I'd have been paying for CILIP membership - so I could pay for that, offer free membership to anyone who wanted to join, plus a "premium" membership for anyone who felt able to contribute (including some sort of extra to make it worth people's contribution). If enough people joined as premium members we could even bump the subscription up to the top level and run courses through it, but helping to cover the basic costs ($28 per month) would be first! 

So would anyone be interested in a "Library Instruction" type network? It'd be an online network to ask questions, have discussions, perhaps host / organise TeachMeets, build sets of resources, etc. Free to all, but I'd welcome a few people as "premium members" to share the cost and make it sustainable. 

Related to this... what would make it worthwhile joining as a "premium member"? I'm thinking $15 a year (the platform charges in USD), or less than £1 per month. The default would be access to a seperate group part of the site / network, so I could put resources in there (a PDF of one or more of my books maybe?), or it could be used as a decision making part of the network ("premium" members get increased access to shape the network / decide on topics / etc?), or something else... (BTW - It'd need more than 30 people becoming premium members before it covered costs at that token $15 a year.)

This post is largely thinking aloud for now, but if I decide I've enough energy to set something up properly, I'll edit this post to include a link to the Network...

Currently being set-up, aiming for all the basics there the first week of Jan 2021, but the Network will be at: