A call for chapter submissions from library workers on their
pedagogies and pedagogical approaches.
Andrew and Sam welcome short (250-500 words) proposals for
chapters to feature in this book, provisionally called “Library Pedagogies”.
Proposals should include a short summary of the author’s pedagogical approach,
how this connects with their teaching philosophy and an outline of the key
factors that have influenced that approach. Please include a brief professional
biography of no more than 3 or 4 sentences.
Each chapter should focus upon how the author’s wider approaches
to teaching within libraries influence their pedagogy: individual teaching
interventions could feature but are less important. Your chapter should be
reflective in style and share those underlying beliefs in the purpose behind
your teaching, how students learn in your settings, and how your approaches are
informed by learning theories and the wider literature. Tell the story of the
journey you have taken to evolve your pedagogy, and the internal and external
influences that have shaped your practice. Your final chapters should be between
4,000 - 8,000 words long.
Deadlines for proposals: 24th January 2020
First draft: 24th June 2020
Reviewers comments returned by: August 2020
Final version of chapters: 6th November 2020
Publication: Early 2021
A wide range of pedagogical approaches could be covered, which may
include but are not limited to any of the following:
- Critical pedagogies
- Feminist pedagogies
- Pedagogies from under-represented groups
- Enquiry based learning
- Problem based learning
- Team based learning
- Active Learning
- Lecturing
- Playful or game based Learning
- Creativity and learning
- Visual approaches
- Improvisation approaches
- Using Drama techniques
- Psychogeography / space exploration
- Rhizomatic Learning
- Gonzo education
- Punk / anarchist education
Andrew and Sam will offer a supportive and collaborative approach
for chapter authors and would like to hear a range of voices, mainstream and
under-represented, whether or not you have written for publication previously.
We will encourage, but not impose, the use of collaborative writing tools so
that authors can share their chapters with each other and offer informal review
and support. We intend to also offer a two day writing retreat (in the North of
England) for UK chapter authors to spend time writing their chapters together
with the editors.
Note on licencing: Contributors will retain full copyright over
their work. All authors / contributors will sign a simple agreement to allow
rights to publish their contribution and to permit others to use the contents
of the book under a CC licence.
From the Editors,
Sam Aston (@manclibrarian) & Andrew Walsh (@PlayBrarian)
Please send proposals to a.p.walsh@hud.ac.uk
Please send proposals to a.p.walsh@hud.ac.uk