Monday, 16 June 2014

Help! I need a librarian

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

CRAP game

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

The Bib Game

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

Collect resources for an assigment

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

Dewey or Die

A prototype game from the #libraryplay workshop in London, June 2014.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Where is UAL?

A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at UAL, London, June 2014.

Book or article...

A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at UAL, London, June 2014.


A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at UAL, London, June 2014.

The Library Quest

A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at the University of the Arts, London, June 2014.

Loan shark.

A game prototyped at the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Plague... a plagiarism game.

A game prototyped at the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Zombies in the library

A zombie themed game from the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Give the dog a bone...

A Game prototyped at the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

A Manchester induction game

An induction game prototyped at the Manchester #libraryplay workshop.

First or fail? The image edition.

A game prototyped at a #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.