Monday, 16 June 2014

Help! I need a librarian

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

CRAP game

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

The Bib Game

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

Collect resources for an assigment

A prototype game from the making games for libraries workshop in London, June 2014.

Dewey or Die

A prototype game from the #libraryplay workshop in London, June 2014.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Where is UAL?

A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at UAL, London, June 2014.

Book or article...

A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at UAL, London, June 2014.


A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at UAL, London, June 2014.

The Library Quest

A prototype game from a #libraryplay workshop at the University of the Arts, London, June 2014.

Loan shark.

A game prototyped at the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Plague... a plagiarism game.

A game prototyped at the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Zombies in the library

A zombie themed game from the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Give the dog a bone...

A Game prototyped at the #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

A Manchester induction game

An induction game prototyped at the Manchester #libraryplay workshop.

First or fail? The image edition.

A game prototyped at a #libraryplay workshop in Manchester, May 2014.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

More workshops - Manchester & London

More workshops! This time they're slightly shorter...

I've just arranged two more workshops, this time half day (afternoon only) ones and tried to make them as affordable as possible for new professionals and students.

The first is in Manchester on 15th May, the second in London on 13th June.

I've tweaked the content and reduced the timings so they'll fit into an afternoon. This saves money on catering, room hire, and in the case of London, travel & accommodation! It'll still be touch and go whether they break even, but I thought it was worth doing to give more new professionals and students the chance to attend. I've had feedback in the past from people who wanted to go, but their employers wouldn't fund them and they couldn't afford a full priced event. This is their chance!

BTW - do you like my new logo? This is to cover all the bits and pieces I do out of my "normal" job, such as these workshops and the new affordable LIS publishing house I've started.